Reduced Inequalities (SDG 10)

This goal aims to reduce inequalities within and among countries by addressing economic disparities and promoting social, economic, and political inclusion. It focuses on creating fair policies, promoting equal opportunities, and ensuring that income growth benefits the most disadvantaged populations.

Reduced Inequalities (SDG 10) Research

Title Year Scopus Source title
Mediating Role of Customer Trust in the Relationship between Service Quality and Customer Loyalty: Empirical Evidence from Iraqi Banking Customers


Mohamed, M.A.| Salimmadi, M.| Kalf, H.A.I.| Altememy, H.A.| Al-Muttar, M.Y.O.| Farhan, M.A.| Jalil, S.H.| Hammoode, J.A.
Enabling Smart Banking AI and IoT: Challenges and Opportunities


Almahadin, G.| Sawant, P.D.| Ali, S.| Anjum, A.| Ibrahim, S.K.| Naser, S.J.
A Systematic Investigating of Differences among Automation as well as Wage Distribution System using ML Algorithm


Rajeshwari, M.| Savitha, S.| Al-Khalidi, A.| Abdulhasan, M.M.| Abood, B.S.Z.| Kannan, P.
Ethical Considerations of AI Implementation in Business Planning: Ensuring Fairness and Transparency


Bansal, A.| Dasarathy, A.K.| Gangadharan, S.| Rajeshwari, R.R.| Ismail, M.M.| Halaf, N.K.A.
Does Financial Development and Financial Inclusion Matter for Economic Growth? Evidence from Iraq


Alkhafagy, T.| Abd, M.| Nsaif, A.D.| Alasadi, S.R.| Al- Muttar, M.Y.O.| Baher, R.K.| Algaragolle, W.M.| Saeed, A.F.
Combination of Different Mathematical Objectives to Model Public Safety and Emergency Responses


Hassan, A.R.| Fouad, L.| Haroon, N.H.| Abdulkareem, S.A.| Isam, M.| Al-Tameemi, A.R.
Allometry Authentication in the Field of Finance: Creation of Well Secured System using AI Algo Based Systems


Tandon, A.| Anitha, C.| Kataria, A.| Mohammed, N.Q.| Al-Khuzaie, M.Y.| Almulla, A.A.
A Well Design of Customer Centric Based Financing Service through Biometric Based Veritable System using Personalized AI Integrated System


Sekar, S.| Dutta, C.| Spoorthi, R.| Mohammed, N.Q.| Al-Khuzaie, M.Y.| Almulla, A.A.